Wine tasting
The wine cellar is located in Šid, at the exit from the city near the main road that connects the Belgrade-Zagreb highway with Šid, with excellent road connections to the vineyard.
The type of cellar is multi-storey, so that the fermentation process is performed at a level above the part of the cellar intended for storage and aging of wine. The fermentation part is modeled on the most modern wineries, and according to the latest regulations and decrees of the Ministry of Agriculture, while the part that serves for aging wine in barrels has the appearance of authentic old cellars.
The fermentation part has the necessary equipment for high quality wine production, while the part that serves for aging and maturing wine is equipped with barrels of precisely defined types of oak and toasting, and which best suits the varieties from our vineyards.
The vineyard is located in the Srem vineyards, on the southern slopes of Fruška gora, at 220 m above sea level and 45 ° 10’58 ’’ and 19 ° 18’42 ’’ latitude and longitude. Plots under vineyards are located in k.o.Molovin and k.o.Sot, 14km away from Šid and 1km from the state border with the Republic of Croatia.
The assortment of vines is very professionally and thoughtfully designed, based on the type of soil, climate, terrain exposure, etc.
White grape varieties, such as Traminer, Rhine Riesling and Italian Riesling are the varieties that give the best results in this region and this soil, observed qualitatively. These are varieties for top and quality white wines that are adorned with an intense and complex varietal aroma, unusual fullness and extractivity, exceptional balance of acids, etc.
Red grape varieties, Cabernet Sauvignon, Frankovka, Black Burgundy and Merlot are also varieties for top and quality wines, which have a very full taste, well-balanced acids, strong structure, exceptional aromatic complex, etc.
In order to obtain the highest quality raw materials for wine, we apply reduction-selective pruning and trimming of bunches in the hinge phase.